Friday, February 17, 2012

Repyl to James Roofe of Angrer Games

Hello Jamer Rowlfe, thank for enjoy, glad to helps, glad to helps with you fuck. You like fuck yeah? Hahahaha yeeesss I do! To! Now tell of about windrammer and future in balls, aslo maybe in star of ass if shine porplery.

Remelmber of kill Hung Bung, is main fucus. Relmember Ricky and do froget.

I give shirt soon to0 Mr.s Jame Rolf for Live like a windrammer. Will help fuck, maybe help fight aslo who kows? Will give soon foir wearng.

To all say of windrarmer, yeeeesss you see! Hahaha now you see. I have shits for all to werar, but not undersweraer because balls is first spot to hit in fight.

Teell soon of.


  1. This is fucking hilarious!

  2. LOL! Best blog ever

  3. i give much moenys for winrammer shirt of you speak, it is the bes tof fights! help fuck hoepfull, it is the best! you are great furiously bolger and james roofe is a good fight angry too. wricky wangrtrom is the hard fight king, more to bolg in futeres?

  4. I have bookmarked this blog and I shall check it every day.

    LLAWAYF (Live like a windrammer as you fuck.)

  5. Don't even take a shit if you don't have to. Good advice, thanks.

  6. Yes apprecate! Aslways believe can do, for if not, whyt not jusy die?

    1. Ricky I love your bolg and fight hard style. I don't take shits but give shits too. You are strong of fight and I like you. Hope the sun of destroy help you fight hard posse. Will help fuck

      Also, what's a windrammer?

  7. Ricky my man, you are made of the ultimate mix of win and pwnage...

  8. You are the reason internet exists. You are a god in human form. Windrammer forever!

  9. This is best bolg i see long time.

  10. This is probably the most demented blog I have ever read. Seriously, this crushed my brain cells.

  11. This was definitely worth reading. My husband is literally laughing so hard he can't breathe. He might die, but totally worth it.

  12. I think you created a new meme.... Winner is you!

  13. fight hard yeah! live like a windrammer and see futures in balls. go! be!

  14. "I have shits for all to werar, but not undersweraer because balls is first spot to hit in fight."


  15. I've seen mailbag episode 3 so many times and this is the first time I came here from that video.
